The Stanford Law Firm | Titan Digital

The Stanford Law Firm

The Stanford Law Firm practices in McMinnville and Manchester, Tennessee. They offer legal representation for cases in family law, criminal defense, bankruptcy, personal injury, and estate planning.

The Challenge

The Stanford Law Firm had been trying to improve their website for awhile, but it was still outdated and included a variety of functional issues. They also were not ranking as well on Google as they wanted to be. They knew they needed some digital marketing help.

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The Solution

We started with a website overhaul to bring the law firm’s design up to date. Then, we implemented stronger SEO tactics to get the site ranking better in search engines.


We had extensive conversations with the lawyers to go over their goals and vision for the website. The new website featured an updated logo, full functionality, easy navigation, and a clean color scheme. Originally, they requested that the new homepage feature a slideshow of all the services, along with a large contact form. Our team recommended a different homepage design – one with more content so we could incorporate more keywords – but they really wanted to try out the first design idea. So, we launched their site! But that wasn’t the end of its journey...

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The creation of an updated website was making The Stanford Law Firm look a lot better online. But one problem persisted: the homepage they wanted lacked content, so their website wasn’t ranking properly! As their rankings in Manchester started slipping backwards in the search results, the lawyers decided to revisit Titan’s initial plan. We redesigned the homepage to include more keywords and help bring back their lost rankings.

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The Success

Now The Stanford Law Firm has an impressive, professional website that is found easily by clients in need of legal representation. They rank organically on the first page of each search term we monitor in both McMinnville and Manchester, and are experiencing a steadier stream of clients since investing in a solid digital marketing plan.